The Silver Lining EVS 4

Author : Anjana Malhotra
ISBN : 978-81-89896-28-7
Pages : 144
Imprint : Sapphire India Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Year : 0
Size : 8.5x11
Binding :
Status : Available
Salient Features
The Silver Lining is a series for class 1–5. The content is simple and straight forward. The layout is child friendly. Illustrations and pictures are eye catching. Exercises contain a variety of questions. A lot of activities make learning an enjoyable experience. In these books, children are guided towards an understanding of themselves and their environment. The series covers topics like body, family, clothes, means of transport, neighbourhood services, school, festival, plants, animals, the universe and time in a child friendly manner. Picture activity chart is also given in the series. They contain pictures of food, neighbourhood services, means of transport, good habits, seasons, etc. These pictures can be cut and utilised by the child in doing homework or any other activity. In text questions have been given within each lesson to question the concepts learnt.

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